These reports include essential data such as the original and payout amounts, the respective currencies, and the types of financial records such as sales or refunds. Additionally, they contain details about the payment method, card brand, and geographical information of both the customer and the issuing bank.
+ 2 days parameter, which corresponds to the date the operation was executed.To create a report
- Make an API request by the suitable API endpoint and with the necessary parameters:
Financial entries by date range
date_from , date_to -
Financial entries by settlement
Financial entries by date range
- Receive the report URL in the response.
- Download the report in CSV format using the URL and authorization credentials.
Learn to authenticate API requests and fix validation errors effectively. authorization credentials ( publicKey + secretKey ) to make the API request for downloading the report API .
Since the report is prepared asynchronously, it may take some time before it is ready for download. If the report is not ready, the API reference returns the corresponding status code:
- 200 - authentication failure. Double-check your access to the Solidgate API.
- 204 - report is not yet ready. Wait a little longer for it to be generated.
- 302 - redirect to a one-time S3 download report link.
- 404 - report was not found.
- 410 - report is unavailable, expired.
- Go to Reports&Exports.
- In the top-right corner, click on +Create report.
- In the pop-up window, add the required information:
- Select the Finance report type
- Select one or several channels
- Specify a date range of up to 36 days
- Optionally, change the auto-created file name
- Click on Create.
Once confirmed, the reports are created for each selected channel. - Click on Download to save and view the reports.