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Przelewy24 streamlines online payments in Poland
Przelewy24 API is a leading online payment method in Poland, offering various payment options like bank transfers, credit cards, and e-wallets. Established in 2002, it functions as an aggregator, simplifying payments and ensuring security. Payment type Online

Payment flow Redirect

Countries Poland (PL)

Currencies Polish Zloty (PLN)

Min amount 0.01 PLN

Max amount 55,000 PLN
Recurring No

Refund Yes

Partial refunds Yes

Multiple partial refunds Yes

Chargeback No

Principle of operation

  1. Selection at checkout: Customer selects Przelewy24 at checkout.
  2. Payment initiation: Customer is redirected to Przelewy24 and chooses their bank.
  3. Authentication and authorization: Customer enters account credentials.
  4. Payment confirmation: Customer completes the authorization process.
  5. Merchant notification: Customer is notified that the payment is complete, and the merchant receives secure transaction confirmation.
Payment page example Payment page example Payment page example

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