APM orders
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APM orders
Detailed transaction insights for APMs with customer data

This report provides essential information for anti-fraud purposes, including order IDs, transaction statuses, amounts, currencies, and payment methods, along with crucial customer details such as email addresses, geographic locations, and IP addresses.

It supports a detailed analysis of each transaction, enhancing understanding of APM transactions.

APM orders API report is a critical resource for merchants using Guide
Connect alternative payment methods to boost your checkout conversion.
alternative payment methods
(APMs). This comprehensive report offers a detailed breakdown of each transaction for making informed decisions and improving the payment strategy.

This report unloads data based on the updated_at parameter by default, indicating the latest update to the APM orders.
To create an APM orders report

  1. Go to Reports&Exports.
  2. In the top-right corner, click on +Create report.
  3. In the pop-up window, add the required information:
    • Select the APM orders report type
    • Select one or several channels
    • Specify a date range of up to 36 days
    • Optionally, change the auto-created file name
  4. Click on Create.
    Once confirmed, the reports are created for each selected channel.
  5. Click on Download to save and view the report.

Please note that a more detailed report is available through our API, including additional fields for expanded analysis and insights.
We no longer display PayPal orders in reporting/ Guide
Optimize your product and payment management with the Solidgate HUB.
where a button was shown, but payment did not occur. Previously, we returned such orders in the following Guide
Efficiently manage and track alternative payments with real-time updates.
created and transferred them to Declined (0.02) later.

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