Manage disputes
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Manage disputes
Improve the dispute resolution process to reduce costs and maintain stability

Effective dispute management is critical to reducing costs.

Full refunds are:

  • allowed for internal disputes in stages OPEN and WAITING_FOR_SELLER_RESPONSE
  • prohibited for external chargebacks and internal disputes in the stages UNDER_REVIEW , WAITING_FOR_BUYER_RESPONSE , RESOLVED
  • Provide clear, detailed transaction information.
  • Keep detailed records of all related communications.
  • Supply tracking information and product details.
  • Respond to buyer inquiries promptly and ensure all communications remain polite.
  • Document previous disputes (up to 50 MB per request, individual files under 10 MB, formats JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, PDF).
  • Be objective and factual in representations.
  • Prepare to provide additional information if escalated.
  • MERCHANDISE_OR_SERVICE_NOT_RECEIVED Provide proof of fulfillment.
  • MERCHANDISE_OR_SERVICE_NOT_AS_DESCRIBED Offer item URLs, return policies, and other relevant details.
  • UNAUTHORIZED Supply proof of fulfillment.
  • CREDIT_NOT_PROCESSED Present proof of refund and communications.
  • DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION Show evidence for original and duplicate transactions.
  • INCORRECT_AMOUNT Provide documentation of the correct amount and refund IDs.
  • PAYMENT_BY_OTHER_MEANS Demonstrate proof of payment through alternative means.
  • CANCELED_RECURRING_BILLING Show evidence of subscription cancellation.

Here are some common reasons for refusing refunds:

A pre-dispute alert gives merchants 20 hours to issue a refund or dispute a potential chargeback, avoiding additional costs and penalties using real-time events before the dispute starts.
An external chargeback occurs when the customer contacts their bank. PayPal may temporarily hold the disputed amount, and resolving it typically requires issuing a full refund, closing the case.
The merchant's PayPal account lacks the necessary funds for a refund. It needs to receive more incoming payments from other transactions, which will increase the account balance to a level that can cover the pending refund amount.
PayPal may flag a refund request if it detects unusual or suspicious activity. In such situations, it is recommended to reach out to PayPal support to investigate the issue and ensure the refund request is handled appropriately.

Maintain detailed transaction records and ensure effective customer communication. Understand Guide
Gain a better understanding of chargebacks nature and manage them effectively.
chargeback reason code
and implement prevention strategies to minimize disputes and maintain a healthy chargeback ratio.

Dispute representment

PayPal dispute representment is available for disputes with:

  • dispute_life_cycle_stage: CHARGEBACK

Please note that the second appeal can be initiated by reaching out to support.

To make a representment

  1. Go to APMs > Disputes.
  2. Select the needed dispute to go to the dispute details page.
  3. In the top-right corner, click on Provide evidence button.
    • In the appeared form, drag file or click to upload.
  4. Click on Send to confirm.
Please ensure that all necessary evidence is included before submission to avoid delays in processing the representment.

The representment request will be sent to PayPal for review, and the status status will update to UNDER_REVIEW within approximately 10 minutes.

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