Open banking
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Open banking
Open banking streamlines real-time, direct bank payments across Europe
Open banking API revolutionizes transactions by enabling real-time account-to-account payments. It standardizes domestic real-time payment systems and provides a unified access point, allowing merchants to ensure fast, direct bank payments.

Customers gain the convenience of accessing their bank accounts directly from the checkout page to initiate payments.
Payment type Online

Payment flow Redirect

Countries Europe (EU)
*In Sweden, Denmark and Norway, a local bank account is required to receive funds/settlements. Please contact your account manager for more information.

Currencies Euro (EUR), British Pound (GBP)

Min amount Bank dependent

Max amount Bank dependent
Recurring No

Refund Yes

Partial refunds Yes

Multiple partial refunds Yes

Chargeback No

Principle of operation

  1. Selection at checkout: Customer selects Pay by Bank at checkout.
  2. Payment initiation: Customer is redirected to the Volt checkout page and chooses their bank from the provided options.
  3. Authentication and authorization: Customer authorizes the payment in their banking app.
  4. Payment confirmation: Customer approves the payment, which may result in one of the Guide
    Efficiently manage card payments and monitor key payment statuses in real-time.
    approved / declined / settle_pending
  5. Merchant notification: Solidgate sends a message to the merchant confirming the transaction's outcome upon receiving the payment result.
For testing purposes, select OBIE Mock Bank on the checkout page.
Payment page example Payment page example Payment page example

Store payment method

If the customer selects Pay faster next time= YES , the desired Bank is saved for quicker transactions in the future. This is applicable if the merchant records the same customer_email for initial and subsequent payments.

Store bank via first payment.

Pay via stored bank for subsequent payment.

Payment processing times
Open banking payments are designed to be processed instantly whenever possible. However, banks might not support instant payments or choose a payment scheme different from the one requested. As a result, not all payments initiated by Volt are instant.

Button display requirements

Each country’s specific payment methods and descriptors ensure a smooth and secure transaction experience.

Specific payment methods and descriptors for each country ensure a smooth and secure transaction experience.

Country Payment method (name, choose one of) Optional payment descriptors (choose one of)
UK Pay by Bank (recommended as default payment method name) A faster, more secure way to pay.
Fast, easy, secure. No card needed.
Securely check out directly from your bank account.
Germany Echtzeitüberweisung Eine schnellere und sicherere Art zu bezahlen.
Schnell, einfach, sicher. Keine Karte erforderlich.
Bezahlen Sie sicher direkt von Ihrem Bankkonto.
Netherlands Bank Betaling Een snellere en veiligere manier van betalen.
Snel, gemakkelijk, veilig. Geen kaart nodig.
Betaal veilig rechtstreeks vanaf uw bankrekening.
Spain Transferencia Online Una forma de pago más rápida y segura.
Rápido, fácil, seguro. No se necesita tarjeta.
Pague de forma segura directamente desde su cuenta bancaria.
France Paiement Bancaire Un moyen de paiement plus rapide et plus sécurisé.
Rapide, facile, sécurisé. Aucune carte nécessaire.
Payez en toute sécurité directement depuis votre compte bancaire.
View and download country-specific visual assets and payment descriptors to enhance the checkout experience for each region.

Country Visual Checkout assets
UK UK visual
Germany Germany visual
Netherlands Netherlands visual
Spain Spain visual
France France visual

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