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Additional information about the payment form

The Solidgate Payment Form is designed for seamless user interaction, providing extensive customization and validation features.

This includes dynamic adaptation to card information, multiple language support, and compatibility with secure browser versions.

First payment flow

Initiating a transaction involves using the paymentIntent object within the Payment Form. This process is the first step in the payment flow, setting the groundwork for a seamless transaction.

The system prevents double charging for first payments by ensuring a single payment form processes only one payment regardless of multiple Pay button clicks.

Order status updates

Merchants are notified of any status changes in their orders. Constant order status tracking is facilitated by specifying Guide
Subscribe for events on your Solidgate account so your integration can automatically trigger actions.
, which serve as destinations for these notifications.

  • Status requests: Merchants can also opt to receive the current status Webhook of an order at their convenience, ensuring flexibility in monitoring transaction progress.
  • Event listening: This Guide
    Form events are essential checkpoints for monitoring user interactions in payments.
    allows merchants to actively engage with the Payment Form, enabling real-time communication and response to various form events.

Transaction status communication

The Payment Form allows immediate redirection of customers to designated pages, indicating successful or unsuccessful transactions, through the use of success_url and fail_url.

  • Handling unsuccessful payments: In cases of unsuccessful payments, it’s crucial to inform customers about the status and provide clear explanations for the decline. This transparency aids in maintaining customer trust and enables them to take further necessary actions.
  • Confirming successful transactions: For successful transactions, customers should be promptly informed with a clear message, such as “Payment successful! Thank you for your Payment. You have paid $XXX.XX” It’s important to include details like the payment descriptor, which will appear on the customer’s bank statement, enhancing clarity and trust. This descriptor, along with other transaction details, is communicated through notifications and upon request for order status.

Iframe and HTTP limitations

The Payment Form is optimized for secure environments and is not suitable for embedding within merchant’s iframes or on HTTP web pages.

Specifically, Guide
Optimize your payment form with Apple Pay integration, providing a secure and efficient checkout for Apple device users.
Apple Pay
transactions are restricted in third-party iframes and cannot be initiated from documents with different security origins or insecure HTTP pages. While Guide
Enable Google Pay button to give your customers more payment options.
Google Pay
may function in iframes, its performance cannot be guaranteed under these conditions.

Common initialization errors

When integrating the Solidgate Payment Form SDK , be mindful of common errors:

  • Feature-Policy violation: Arises in third-party iframes without proper permissions.
  • Apple Pay security origin issue: Occurs when starting Apple Pay sessions from a document with a differing security origin than its top-level frame.
  • Insecure document error: Triggered by attempting Apple Pay transactions on non-HTTPS web pages.

Additional fields

The Solidgate Payment Form will check the Card BIN and receive a list of necessary additional fields according to information about the BIN country (the first six digits).

Also, depending on the provider, the customer phone parameter is often used to verify the identity of the person making a payment; for example, in India, this is india_pan . This parameter typically requires the person to enter their registered mobile phone number, which is then used to authenticate the payment.

Styling additional fields

Additional fields classes will be formed as follows:

    "class": "input_group zip_code additional_field"

You can customize all additional fields at once using the additional_field class. In this case, styles will be applied to all additional field classes described in the table above.

  styles: {
    'additional_field': {
      'input': {
        'color': 'red'

If you want to customize a specific field, you need to apply styles to this specific additional field class name.

  styles: {
    'guatemala_cui': {
      'input': {
        'color': 'red'

Validation rules

Front-end validation and auto-tabulation prevent errors and fraud, verify data correctness, enhance user experience, end increase transaction success.

Validation of form fields occurs when a field loses focus.

Card number

  • Validate the correctness of data entered (check data entered for validity)

The validity of the card number is verified by the Luhn Algorithm. The Luhn Algorithm calculates the check digits of a plastic card number in accordance with the standard ISO/IEC 7812 WIKI

  • Define card brand to display the desired logo

For card payments, one of the most important UX rules is automatic card type detection and automatic card number formatting (spacing). To implement these functions, you need to know the IIN ranges and spacing patterns for card types.

  • Determine the country of the card by BIN and add fields dynamically if necessary

To dynamically add fields to the form, we need to define the country of the card brand. Depending on this, we add the required field on the frontend.

Expiry date

  • The expiration date field accepts dates in both of the following formats: MM/YY, MM/YYYY
  • The date entered should be in the future


The CVV field can only accept 3 or 4 digits. Validation of the CVV field depends on the card brand:

  • for AMERICAN EXPRESS, the CVV field must contain 4 digits
  • for all other card brands, the CVV field must contain 3 digits


The field with the name of the cardholder is disabled by default. It is possible to enable this field through CSS styles.

  • Rules for the field
    • at least 3 characters
    • convert from Cyrillic to Latin
    • must not contain symbols and numbers, only letters
    • auto tabulation is disabled

The card_holder field is specifically required for transactions from certain countries.

Supported countries include Argentina ARG, Bangladesh BGD, Bolivia BOL, Brazil BRA, Cameroon CMR, Chile CHL, China CHN, Colombia COL, Costa Rica CRI, Dominican Republic DOM, Ecuador ECU, Egypt EGY, El Salvador SLV, Ghana GHA, Guatemala GTM, India IND, Indonesia IDN, Japan JPN, Kenya KEN, Malaysia MYS, Mexico MEX, Morocco MAR, Nigeria NGA, Panama PAN, Paraguay PRY, Peru PER, Philippines PHL, Senegal SEN, South Africa ZAF, Tanzania TZA, Thailand THA, Turkey TUR, Uganda UGA, Uruguay URY, and Vietnam VNM.

Supported browsers

The Solidgate payment form requires that the customer's browser supports TLS 1.2. If TLS 1.2 is not supported, the payment form will not be displayed. Additionally, it is important to know:

  • some of the user’s extensions can break the correct behavior of our payment form
  • we don’t guarantee payment form stable functioning when rendered inside in-app browsers (Facebook, Instagram browser, etc.)

The Solidgate payment form (JS) strives to support the latest versions of all major browsers. For security reasons and to provide customization options to customers, we do not support browsers that do not receive security updates and are low usage.

Our support extends to the following browsers:

Only the three most recent major versions are supported for all browsers.

Supported translations

The Solidgate Payment Form is translated automatically by detecting the location of the customer’s browser.

Afrikaans af Arabic ar Bengali bn Chinese zh
Czech cs Danish da Dutch nl English en
Finnish fi French fr German de Hebrew he
Hindi hi Indonesian id Italian it Japanese ja
Korean ko Malay ms Norwegian no Polish pl
Portuguese pt Romanian ro Spanish es Swedish sv
Thai th Turkish tr Ukrainian uk Vietnamese vi

Localization can also be configured by passing a subset of IETF language tags WIKI by passing in into PaymentIntent Guide
Begin by setting up your backend, a vital step for successful implementation.

If your preferred language is not listed above, our payment button will be displayed in English en by default. If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our Solidgate support team.