Switch subscription product
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Switch subscription product
Upgrade your customers' product or service plans by switching to a new product

Sometimes, your customers may want to upgrade their product or service plan.

Once the product switch request is completed, a callback containing the updated product name for the subscription is sent. The new product settings come into force after the next billing date, and the customer is charged for the new product or service starting from the next billing cycle.

It is important to note that certain subscriptions may have specific switching policies, so it is crucial to check them before making the switch. Additionally, ensure that the new subscription product is compatible with the customer’s current subscription.

This method API requires the merchant's unique identification and signature in the header parameters. The request body must include the current subscription_id and the new_product_id for a successful product switch.
You can switch the products used in your active subscription with any product from your product list.

To switch the subscription product

  1. Go to Subscriptions > List and find the needed order with subscription.
  2. Click on the ➡️ icon to go to the Subscription details page.
  3. In the Switch subscription product section, find the product you need and select it.
  4. Click on Change product to save changes.

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