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Explore Solidgate's secure and seamless payment flows

Understanding the payment flows for processing transactions through Solidgate is crucial for ensuring a smooth integration.

Solidgate order logs are stored for 30 days.

Auth + Settle

This process involves the merchant obtaining authorization to hold a customer’s funds, Solidgate communicating with the acquirer to process the transaction, and the merchant settling the transaction.

This approach not only mitigates chargeback risks by ensuring payments are settled only upon successful delivery but also provides merchants with the flexibility to manage refunds and cancellations efficiently.
Minimizing chargeback risks, auth+settle secures transactions by finalizing payments only after confirming delivery, facilitating smoother refunds and cancellations.
Facilitates business growth by enabling access to a diverse range of acquirers and payment processing solutions, thereby expanding the merchant's operational capabilities.
Empowers merchants with the ability to design bespoke payment processes that cater to unique business demands, enhancing operational adaptability.
Boosts transactional security through mandatory customer verification before payment completion, significantly curtailing fraudulent activities.
Enhances the purchasing experience with instantaneous payment validation, strengthening customer trust and fostering loyalty.
Ensures adherence to stringent security protocols and regulatory standards, safeguarding merchant and customer data integrity.
  1. The merchant requests auth to hold the customer's funds, specifying the hold duration in hours. The merchant either specifies a settle_interval for auto-settlement or intends to manually settle at a later point.
  2. Solidgate acknowledges receipt and forwards the request to the acquirer for determination of auth approval.
  3. Solidgate receives the auth response from the acquirer.
  4. Solidgate processes the auth response and sends a callback request with transaction status to the merchant.
  5. The merchant confirms receipt of the auth status to Solidgate.
  6. After the specified time interval settle_interval, Solidgate requests the acquirer to settle the transaction. The merchant can initiate partial settlement before the time interval expires, which results in the automatic void of the remaining hold amount.
  7. The acquirer returns a settle response to Solidgate, confirming the transaction settlement.
  8. Solidgate processes the settle response and sends it to the merchant via a callback request.
  9. The merchant confirms receipt of the transaction status to Solidgate.


3D Secure (3DS) enhances online payment security by adding an extra authentication step for credit and debit card transactions. This protocol protects cardholders by requiring a one-time password (OTP) during payment, which only the cardholder can access.

  • PSD2 compliance
    Under PSD2, 3DS and Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) are mandatory for transactions within the European Economic Area (EEA), enhancing transaction security.
  • Liability shift
    Offers merchants protection by shifting liability for fraudulent transactions to the card issuer if proper authentication is used. This minimizes merchants’ risk of financial loss due to fraud.

3DS is vital for secure e-commerce transactions, protecting both merchants and cardholders by preventing unauthorized card use.

In addition, based on business requirements, the merchant can request a calculation from Solidgate if they decide to use the auto-settle process.

3D Secure 2, the latest version of the protocol, defines two types of authentication flows:

  • Frictionless flow
    This is the process of authentication achieved without Cardholder interaction. It streamlines the transaction process by minimizing user input, provided the transaction is deemed low-risk or meets certain criteria set by the issuing bank.

  • Challenge flow
    If the ACS (Access Control Server - a component that operates in the Issuer Domain) determines that further Cardholder interaction is required to complete the authentication, the Frictionless Flow transitions into the Challenge Flow. This additional step may be necessary in situations where the transaction is deemed high-risk, exceeds certain thresholds, or requires a higher level of authentication due to country mandates or regulations. In such cases, 3DS Requestors (merchants or their acquiring banks) must decide whether to proceed with the challenge or to terminate the 3-D Secure authentication process.

  1. The merchant collects card details from the cardholder. They can send a request (auth or charge) to Solidgate. Concurrently, they have the option to request 3DS authentication by setting the force3DS:true parameter in the request.
  2. Upon receipt, Solidgate confirms the request. If the merchant requested 3DS authentication, Solidgate defaults to the 3DS flow.
  3. Solidgate sends a 3DS request to the acquiring bank. If the transaction is executable, the acquiring bank returns the ACS (Access Control Server) URL to Solidgate.
  4. Solidgate forwards a verify_url embedded with the ACS URL to the merchant.
  5. When the client accesses this URL, Solidgate receives the verification request.
  6. After the client interacts with the 3DS page, the merchant sends a 3DS request to Solidgate.
  7. Solidgate then requests the 3DS check status from the acquiring bank.
  8. The acquiring bank returns a verification response to Solidgate, indicating whether the transaction is approved or declined.
  9. Solidgate processes the verification response and initiates a callback request, providing the transaction status to the merchant.
  10. The merchant takes necessary steps and confirms to Solidgate the receipt of the transaction status.


The process involves the merchant obtaining authorization to hold the Customer’s funds and initiating a void operation if needed. Effective communication between Solidgate, the acquirer, and the merchant is crucial in ensuring a successful transaction.

  1. The merchant requests auth to hold the customer's funds.
  2. Solidgate acknowledges receipt and forwards the request to the acquirer for determination of auth approval.
  3. Solidgate receives the auth response from the acquirer.
  4. Solidgate processes the auth response and sends a callback request with transaction status to the merchant.
  5. The merchant confirms receipt of the auth status to Solidgate.
  6. To initiate the void operation, the merchant sends a void request to Solidgate.
  7. Solidgate acknowledges receipt and forwards the void request to the acquirer.
  8. The acquirer returns a void response to Solidgate, indicating whether the transaction is declined or approved.
  9. Solidgate processes the void response and sends it to the merchant via the callback request.
  10. The merchant confirms receipt of the transaction status to Solidgate.


The refund involves coordination between the merchant, Solidgate, and the acquirer for successful processing.

Refunds for USA MIDs on non-US cards are only possible the day after settlement, with earlier attempts being declined.

Solidgate immediately forwards refund requests to the cardholder’s bank, but the visibility of funds in the cardholder’s account can take 5-10 business days, depending on the bank. Merchants should advise cardholders to contact their bank if refunds are not visible within this period, using the ARN to expedite the process.

Some card types, especially prepaid or certain debit cards, might not support refunds, leading to possible declines. Alternative methods for issuing refunds may be required in these instances.
Fraud detection may result in an account being temporarily frozen, preventing refund transactions until the freeze is lifted and the transaction is verified.
Refunds to accounts that have been closed by the cardholder prior to processing will be declined, necessitating an alternative method for refunding.
If a transaction is disputed by the cardholder, refunds may be declined until the dispute is resolved, underscoring the importance of settling disputes promptly.
Advising cardholders to contact their card issuer can clarify the specific reasons for a refund's decline and explore possible solutions, like refunds to alternate accounts.
  1. The merchant submits a refund request to Solidgate.
  2. Solidgate acknowledges receipt and forwards the request to determine refund eligibility.
  3. The acquirer returns a refund response to Solidgate, indicating approval or denial of the refund.
  4. Solidgate processes the refund response and sends the merchant a callback request with the transaction status.
  5. The merchant takes necessary actions and confirms receipt of the refund status to Solidgate.

The request to

  • refund API for transferring funds back to the cardholder
    Refunds can be made only for approved transactions.
  • get ARN codes API retrieves these codes for specific orders, providing essential information about refunds, currencies, and transaction statuses
To issue a refund

  1. Go to Payments > Orders.
  2. Select the relevant order and go to the Orders details section.
  3. Click on Refund.
Once the refund is successful , you can get the Refund confirmation on the Transactions section and share it with the customer.

Tracking refunds with ARN

Acquirer Reference Number (ARN) is crucial for tracing the path of refund transactions from the issuing to the acquiring bank.

The unique 12-character identifier, ARN, enables cardholders to precisely track the refund process with their bank and located in the Transactions section.

For refunds initiated over 24 hours post-charge without an ARN in the HUB, please contact the Solidgate support team.

Refunds may be declined primarily due to the cardholder’s account being unable to accept them. The common reasons for a declined refund include:

  • Prepaid cards: The card does not support refunds, as some prepaid cards often do.
  • Frozen account: The account has been frozen due to the suspected fraud, with the freeze initiated either by the cardholder or the bank.
  • Closed account: The cardholder has closed their account.
  • Disputed transaction: The cardholder has already disputed the transaction.

In these cases, the advisable action for the cardholder is to reach out to their card issuer directly to resolve the issue.

Order tracking

To follow order actions within Solidgate HUB , you can utilize two primary approaches: the Event log and API logs.

The Event log tracks user actions within HUB. It helps identify who executed specific actions on orders.

How to use:

  1. Navigate to Account settings and select Event log
  2. Search using Entity ID:
    • Obtain the Entity ID from the order link in HUB
  3. Filter options:
    • You can filter the logs by User email , Entity name , Created at from , and Created at to

API logs are essential for verifying API requests related to order actions like settling, voiding, or refunding.

How to use:

  1. Navigate to Developers and select API logs
  2. Search and filter:
    • Use the filters provided, such as Status , Method , Host , IP address , Created at , etc., to refine your search
  3. Detailed view:
    • Click on a specific log entry to view detailed information, includes the Status , Method , Path , Host , IP address , and the Date (UTC)
  4. Request and response bodies:
    • Expand the Request body and Response body sections to see the JSON payloads sent and received, which provide detailed information, such as order_id , amount , currency , recurring_token , and more

These tools are essential for maintaining transparency, troubleshooting issues, and ensuring accountability within your team.

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