Operations reports
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Operations reports
Retrieve various reports related to payment activity: sales, chargebacks, subscription, and other
Reports API helps you manage your data and streamline reporting. It includes pagination to handle cases where the number of entities is limited to 2k within a specific time interval.
Please be aware that Solidgate provides data with a 60-minute relevance delay. Therefore, Solidgate reporting tools are unsuitable for real-time analysis purposes.
Solidgate HUB provides a user-friendly interface for generating and downloading various types of reports. This offers an alternative way to access data and may be more convenient for those who prefer a visual dashboard over API calls.
Reports generated in HUB are stored for 24 hours, providing convenient access to the latest data without the need for prompt regeneration.

Handling errors

In cases where there is a discrepancy in the amount of data downloaded via the API report compared to the HUB data, the following steps can help identify the issue:

  1. API keys: Ensure the report is generated for the channel corresponding to the Guide
    Learn to authenticate API requests and fix validation errors effectively.
    API keys
    used in your request and verify the correct API keys are utilized for the intended channel.
  2. Pagination handling: In case of large data volumes, the response will contain metadata:{"next_page_iterator": [value]}. This indicates the need for pagination and multiple requests. For subsequent requests, use the received next_page_iterator until the response contains "next_page_iterator": null .
  3. Data filtering: Reports are filtered filter by the updated_at date, but also include the created_at date, allowing for additional data filtering on your end.

Card orders

The card orders API report offers merchants critical insights into their payment operations. With detailed transaction tracking, including status, type, amounts, and customer data, you can effectively monitor order lifecycles, conduct precise financial reconciliation, and gain valuable insights into customer behavior.

This report uses the updated_at as default parameter for unloading data, which reflects the latest update to card orders.
This data, encompassing customer geographical locations and IP addresses, is vital for targeted marketing, service enhancement, fraud detection, and the API’s technical aspects like error codes and security status significantly contribute to payment process optimization and problem-solving.

APM orders

The APM orders API report is a critical resource for merchants using alternative payment methods (APMs), providing a detailed overview of each transaction.

Similar to the Card orders API, this report unloads data based on the updated_at parameter, indicating the latest update to the APM orders.
This report provides essential information including order IDs, transaction statuses, amounts, currencies, and payment methods, along with crucial customer details like email addresses, geographic locations, and IP addresses for anti-fraud purposes, offering a detailed analysis of each transaction that enhances understanding of APM transactions.


The subscriptions API report is a comprehensive tool for merchants, providing a detailed view of customer subscriptions. This report includes subscription IDs, statuses, and key dates like creation, update, expiry, and next charge, along with trial information and cancellation details. You can track payment types and methods and access crucial customer data such as email and account ID.

The updated_at as default parameter is used when unloading subscription data, indicating the most recent update to a subscription.
The report offers insights into related products and invoices, covering amounts, currencies, and billing periods, crucial for managing subscriptions and financial reconciliation, thereby enhancing understanding of recurring revenue streams, customer retention, and facilitating data-driven decisions in subscription-based business models.


The chargebacks API report is a vital tool for merchants, offering detailed insights into chargeback cases. It provides comprehensive information about each chargeback, including unique identifiers, creation and settlement dates, types, amounts, and the specific reasons and descriptions for chargebacks.

Chargeback information is unloaded using the updated_at as default parameter, which reflects the date when the latest chargeback flow was created.
This enables us to understand the patterns and reasons behind chargebacks, assisting in dispute resolution and fraud prevention. Additionally, the report includes critical data about the original orders related to the chargebacks, such as order ID, customer details, transaction amounts, and statuses.

Card fraud alerts

The card fraud alerts API report is an indispensable tool for merchants in the battle against fraudulent transactions. This report provides detailed insights into each fraud alert, including the order ID, fraud amount in both the transaction’s currency, and the date and time when the fraud was reported.

The created_at as default parameter is used to unload fraud alert data, specifying the exact time when a fraud alert was created.
This extensive data enables swift fraud detection and prevention, with detailed insights into fraud types, reasons, card schemes, and reason codes, enhancing security and understanding of fraud trends.

PayPal disputes

The PayPal disputes API report is an invaluable tool for merchants, providing comprehensive details on each PayPal dispute, including unique dispute IDs, order IDs, disputed amounts, reasons, statuses, and lifecycle stages.

This report uses the created_at parameter for unloading data. It is understood that this report refers to PayPal disputes specifically.
This report allows to effectively track and manage disputes, offering insights into customer interactions and dispute resolutions, which are critical for maintaining customer satisfaction and optimizing dispute handling processes.

Financial entries

The financial entries API report provide a detailed and structured insight into financial transactions, encapsulating key information like financial record IDs, order IDs, creation dates, transaction amounts, and currencies.

The report unloads data based on the operation created_at + 2 days parameter, as per the date the operation was executed.
These reports include crucial data such as the original and payout amounts, the respective currencies, and the types of financial records like sales or refunds. Additionally, they offer details about the payment method, card brand, and geographical information of both the customer and the issuing bank.

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