Retry strategies
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Retry strategies
Explore subscription retry strategies for enhanced handling of recurring payments

Solidgate provides a feature of smart retrying for failed subscription payments, which helps merchants to recover revenue and decrease the involuntary churn rate of the customers.

After the initial collection of the invoice failed, the retry mode activates, and the subscription goes into the redemption status.

While the subscription is in the redemption status, Solidgate retries the invoice collection four times. The intervals between the retry attempts are based on the chosen strategy, which can be either one of the default options or a custom strategy. During the redemption period, your customers will maintain access to the product. However, please note that this redemption period will be included in the next billing cycle.

It is possible that the redemption period can extend beyond the billing period. If the next retry date for payment exceeds the end of the billing period, Solidgate will cancel the subscription.

If you need to stop product usage during the redemption period and exclude this period from the next billing cycle, contact us and our team will find a solution that suits your case.

Additionally, Solidgate provides the option to automatically apply a discount in % if there is the Guide
Understand why the payment is declined and how you can resolve it.
Insufficient funds
decline during the last payment attempt.

You can select the predefined retry strategies in the Solidgate HUB while creating or editing the subscription product details.

Name in HUB:

  • #1 - Weekly 0% /0% /0% /0%” - 89e4181a-20db-410f-b2ab-89aa9c538e1c
#1 #2 #3 #4
Retry interval 1 day after the initial collection On the nearest Friday 2 days after the previous retry 5 days after the previous retry
Discount - - - -

Name in HUB:

  • #2 - Weekly 0% /0% /0% /25%” - a7b75f02-b232-4a80-a355-e29dd6f456a8
#1 #2 #3 #4
Retry interval 1 day after the initial collection On the nearest Friday 2 days after the previous retry 5 days after the previous retry
Discount - - - 25%

Name in HUB:

  • #3 - Weekly 0% /0% /50% /0%” - ee98ae8c-ddb3-4ee9-b4f8-db5aee10e83e
#1 #2 #3 #4
Retry interval 1 day after the initial collection On the nearest Friday 2 days after the previous retry 5 days after the previous retry
Discount - - 50% -

Name in HUB:

  • #4 - Weekly 0% /0% /0% /75%” - fc43720d-61c2-4859-8121-c2a9030fc27d
#1 #2 #3 #4
Retry interval 1 day after the initial collection On the nearest Friday 2 days after the previous retry 5 days after the previous retry
Discount - - - 75%

Name in HUB:

  • #5 - Weekly 0% /0% /25% /50%” - 989da197-7494-48cc-959b-472e8ae11744
#1 #2 #3 #4
Retry interval 1 day after the initial collection On the nearest Friday 2 days after the previous retry 5 days after the previous retry
Discount - - 25% 50%

Name in HUB:

  • #6 - Weekly 10% /25% /50% /75%” - 7751e627-414b-4f93-bcb6-c8146b158a08
#1 #2 #3 #4
Retry interval 1 day after the initial collection On the nearest Friday 2 days after the previous retry 5 days after the previous retry
Discount 10% 25% 50% 75%

Name in HUB:

  • #7 - Weekly 25% /50% /75% /75%” - 7893dd77-8a93-4701-8d91-0dd9df0a8017
#1 #2 #3 #4
Retry interval 1 day after the initial collection On the nearest Friday 2 days after the previous retry 5 days after the previous retry
Discount 25% 50% 75% 75%

Name in HUB:

  • #8 - Weekly 0% /15% /40% /65%” - 34a9b223-171a-445c-95d6-b970adacdaed
#1 #2 #3 #4
Retry interval 1 day after the initial collection On the nearest Friday 2 days after the previous retry 5 days after the previous retry
Discount - 15% 40% 65%

Name in HUB:

  • #9 - Monthly 0% /0% /0% /0%” - b3059460-6ee5-4547-9fb6-79719fdfa262
#1 #2 #3 #4
Retry interval 1 day after the initial collection On the nearest Friday 9 days after the previous retry 19 days after the previous retry
Discount - - - -

Name in HUB:

  • #10 - Monthly 0% /0% /0% /25%” - 1d9ac496-2868-41e4-9068-e46d5f4ca578
#1 #2 #3 #4
Retry interval 1 day after the initial collection On the nearest Friday 9 days after the previous retry 19 days after the previous retry
Discount - - - 25%

Name in HUB:

  • #11 - Monthly 0% /0% /0% /50%” - e0d3e875-c1f8-474b-a3a1-d8379d481ca7
#1 #2 #3 #4
Retry interval 1 day after the initial collection On the nearest Friday 9 days after the previous retry 19 days after the previous retry
Discount - - - 50%

Name in HUB:

  • #12 - Monthly 0% /0% /0% /75%” - c0bad7d4-3b4f-4840-bb3d-9ff2c52770f1
#1 #2 #3 #4
Retry interval 1 day after the initial collection On the nearest Friday 9 days after the previous retry 19 days after the previous retry
Discount - - - 75%

Name in HUB:

  • #13 - Monthly 0% /0% /25% /50%” - 53df1cf0-4082-41aa-bbbf-3d9b193d50b7
#1 #2 #3 #4
Retry interval 1 day after the initial collection On the nearest Friday 9 days after the previous retry 19 days after the previous retry
Discount - - 25% 50%

Name in HUB:

  • #14 - Monthly 0% /25% /50% /75%” - ad428ad9-609f-4151-8249-9855cf69978b
#1 #2 #3 #4
Retry interval 1 day after the initial collection On the nearest Friday 9 days after the previous retry 19 days after the previous retry
Discount - 25% 50% 75%

Name in HUB:

  • #15 - Monthly 25% /50% /50% /75%” - 1a254d1d-0ccf-424d-a8fc-79a488b2792c
#1 #2 #3 #4
Retry interval 1 day after the initial collection On the nearest Friday 9 days after the previous retry 19 days after the previous retry
Discount 25% 50% 50% 75%

Name in HUB:

  • #16 - Monthly 0% /15% /40% /65%” - 59247538-c815-4b27-926b-cdbd7f1bcb99
#1 #2 #3 #4
Retry interval 1 day after the initial collection On the nearest Friday 9 days after the previous retry 19 days after the previous retry
Discount - 15% 40% 65%

Name in HUB:

  • #17 - Monthly 0% /0% /0% /30%” - 29758780-10d8-40a9-a636-39a95fb2ebe8
#1 #2 #3 #4
Retry interval 1 day after the initial collection On the nearest Friday 9 days after the previous retry 19 days after the previous retry
Discount - - - 30%

Name in HUB:

  • #18 - Monthly 0% /0% /50% /0%” - 9fd60a56-ea04-4d18-9449-25bae3631a65
#1 #2 #3 #4
Retry interval 1 day after the initial collection On the nearest Friday 9 days after the previous retry 19 days after the previous retry
Discount - - 50% -

In case you do not need any retry strategy applied to the product for reattempting unsuccessful payments, there is a possibility to disable retries.

Based on the way you created the product, via HUB or via API, there are two options to remove the retry strategy for a particular product. To eliminate the smart retrying for failed subscription payments:

  • Via Solidgate HUB
    Navigate to the product details settings and either select No retry or clear the Retry strategy field and save changes.
  • Via update product API method
    When making an API request, either set the 571651d3-91ff-4d78-babb-59142d536147, which corresponds to No retry strategy, or null value for the retry_strategy_id parameter.

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