Card payments
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Card payments
Accept and manage payments from your customers


The Solidgate API allows developers to easily integrate card payments and cater to this preference, providing a robust, secure, and flexible solution.

Please note that only PCI-DSS certified merchants are eligible for full API as the merchant collects sensitive card data and hosts payment form. Merchants without PCI DSS certification can use the Solidgate Guide
Understand how to integrate the payment form into your product.
Payment Form
or Guide
Easily create a safe and simple payment page.
Payment Page
for processing payments.

Explore our comprehensive suite of payment operations tailored for effective transaction management:

Charge API
The charge request, a primary operation, allows withdrawing funds from cardholder accounts and utilizing 3D Secure for verification. Successfully completed operations result in funds withdrawal or hold (in case type auth is sent).
Recurring API
The use of a previously obtained token, not cardholder data, marks the difference between recurring payment operations and charges. Some recurring transactions, such as one-click payments, may require 3D Secure verification.

To facilitate this verification process, the merchant needs to display a bank page (ACS URL) to the customer. This bank page can be obtained through notifications or the check order status API request from the merchant end. Technical recommendations for one-click customer-initiated payment flow are as follows:

  1. Customer action: The customer initiates a one-click payment.
  2. Token payment: Initiate payment using the secure token tied to the customer's payment information.
  3. Intermediate status: Immediately handle the intermediate status received from Solidgate to prepare for the next step.
  4. Pre-loader display: Show a pre-loader on the interface to indicate that the payment process is ongoing.
  5. Webhook and status polling: Set up a secure webhook to receive the final status of the order. Optionally, implement background polling to periodically check the order status as a backup.
  6. By following these points, the merchant can effectively handle a one-click, customer-initiated payment process.
Resign API
Resign one-click enables token-based transactions (one-click payments) with additional CVV verification, exclusive to PCI-DSS certified merchants. Resign 3D Secure involves a resign request and a 3D Secure verification URL redirect.

We recommend implementing automated retry logic for declined operations. Additionally, consider incorporating a strategy to trigger subsequent attempts at hourly intervals, ensuring that the cumulative retry count does not exceed 120 attempts.
Refund API
A refund constitutes a transactional request to Guide
The refund process involves communication and coordination between the merchant, Solidgate, and the acquirer to ensure the refund is processed successfully.
revert funds
to the cardholder's account, and it can only be executed for successfully completed transactions.

We recommend implementing automated retry logic for declined operations. Additionally, consider incorporating a strategy to trigger subsequent attempts at hourly intervals, ensuring that the cumulative retry count does not exceed 120 attempts.
Void API
The void request serves to nullify pre-existing auth transactions by revoking the initial authorization. Be advised that the void method can only be executed for auth transactions.

We recommend implementing automated retry logic for declined operations. Additionally, consider incorporating a strategy to trigger subsequent attempts at hourly intervals, ensuring that the cumulative retry count does not exceed 120 attempts.
Settle API
The settle method facilitates the settlement of previously auth transactions. Be advised that if the subsequent settle amount is less than the initial auth transaction amount , the difference will be refunded to the cardholder's account.

We recommend implementing automated retry logic for declined operations. Additionally, consider incorporating a strategy to trigger subsequent attempts at hourly intervals, ensuring that the cumulative retry count does not exceed 120 attempts.
Check order status API
The check order status request helps to retrieve the present status of a given order. If a transaction is undergoing 3D Secure verification, the response indicates an order status of 3ds_verify .
Get ARN codes API
The get ARN codes request obtains ARN codes for specific orders, providing essential information about refunds, currencies, and transaction statuses.
Card order status Webhook
Webhooks allow merchants to receive real-time notifications of card order status changes, such as the final status of refund, void, and settle transactions, and automate system updates or actions based on these events. To prevent processing duplicates, ensure idempotent handling by logging and checking event IDs.

Network token created Webhook
Receive real-time notifications when a network token is issued by Visa or Mastercard, allowing for automatic system updates. Implement idempotent processing to avoid handling duplicate events.

Network token updated Webhook
Get notifications when a network token is updated, facilitating timely system adjustments. Use idempotent event processing practices to manage potential duplicate notifications.

Chargeback Webhook
Webhooks for chargebacks enable real-time alerting of chargeback events, aiding immediate action or system update. Log event IDs to ensure each is processed only once.

Prevent alert Webhook
Utilize webhooks to preemptively address and resolve issues before they escalate, ensuring smoother transaction processing.

Fraud alert Webhook
Securely receive fraud alerts through webhooks, which notify of fraudulent activities reported by card schemes and enable rapid response.

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