Restore subscription
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Restore subscription
Restore cancelled subscriptions by providing the subscription ID and desired expiration date

When subscriptions get cancelled, the need for restoration may arise. Apart from the Guide
Solidgate subscriptions offer merchants and their customers a choice between soft and hard cancellation options, ensuring flexibility in managing subscription plans.
intentional cancellation
of a subscription, the subscription recurring payments can be cancelled due to subscription duration settings or failed payment attempts.

  • Limited billing attempts
    Some subscriptions have a predefined number of Guide
    Solidgate provides a feature of smart retrying failed subscription payments, which helps our merchants to recover revenue and decrease the involuntary churn rate of the customers.
    billing attempts
    , after which they automatically enter the redemption status. In this scenario, customers may wish to continue using the subscription, prompting the merchant to either restore it or make another payment attempt.
  • Failed billing attempts
    Additionally, subscriptions can enter the cancelled state after unsuccessful billing attempts in the redemption status. Merchants can initiate the restoration of such subscriptions based on user requests.

You can restore a cancelled subscription using the provided subscription ID and specifying the desired expiration date. By reinstating a cancelled subscription, you ensure seamless renewed access to your product or service for your customers.

When restoring a subscription, the system checks for active subscriptions associated with the given customer_account_id and product_id combination. The restoration process fails if an existing subscription with these parameters is found or being processed at the moment of the check. This step helps avoid duplicates and potential chargebacks from double charges.

Once you successfully restore a subscription, the subscription status changes from cancelled to active, and the billing period is updated based on the specified expiration date. The customer will be billed again for continued access to their chosen product or service.

Please ensure you have the customer’s consent before restoring a cancelled subscription.
The restore subscription method API requires the unique merchant identification and signature in the header parameters. The request body should include the subscription_id and the desired expiration date (expired_at) in the yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format.
To restore a subscription

  1. Go to Subscriptions.
  2. Find the needed subscription and click on it.
  3. In the top-right corner, click on Restore subscription.
  4. Optionally, set the subscription expiration date.
  5. Click on Restore to activate the subscription.

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