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BLIK streamlines online payments in Poland, enabling direct bank account transactions
BLIK API streamlines online transactions in Poland by offering a secure and efficient mobile payment method, enabling customers to easily pay for goods and services directly from their bank accounts. Countries Poland (PL)

Currencies Polish Zloty (PLN)

Min amount 0.01 PLN

Max amount 50,000 PLN/transaction
(Most issuers have a limit of 10,000 PLN/transaction)
Recurring No

Refund Yes

Partial refunds Yes

Multiple partial refunds Yes

Chargeback No

Principle of operation

  1. Selection at checkout: Customer choose BLIK as their payment method on the merchant’s website.
  2. Payment initiation: Merchant displays the BLIK payment collection form, and customer launch their bank app to retrieve a six-digit BLIK payment code, valid for two minutes.
  3. Authentication and authorization: Customer enter the BLIK code into the payment form, and the merchant sends a payment request to Solidgate.
  4. Payment confirmation: BLIK sends a push notification to the customer’s banking app, and customer authorize the payment within 45 seconds in their app.
  5. Merchant notification: Upon receiving the authorization result, Solidgate returns a message to the merchant confirming the outcome of the transaction.

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