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iDEAL is the leading online payment method in the Netherlands
iDEAL API is a highly regarded online payment method in the Netherlands, enabling customers to perform direct bank transfers through their own bank's online banking system. Established in 2005, iDEAL is now the most prevalent payment method in the Netherlands, supported by all major Dutch banks. Countries Netherlands (NL)

Currencies Euro (EUR)

Min amount 0.01 EUR

Max amount Bank dependent
Recurring No

Refund Yes

Partial refunds Yes

Multiple partial refunds Yes

Chargeback No

Principle of operation

  1. Selection at checkout: At checkout, customer choose their preferred bank from a presented list to complete the payment.
  2. Payment initiation: Merchant sends a payment request to Solidgate, which provides a payment page URL, and customer are redirected to the payment page via the redirect_url.
  3. Authentication and authorization: Customer are redirected to their bank’s payment page to authorize the payment, then to a success or fail URL, depending on the transaction outcome.
  4. Payment confirmation: The payment is executed on the bank’s platform, and customer are then redirected to a success or fail URL based on the transaction status.
  5. Merchant notification: Merchant receives payment status success or fail.

Redirect your customer to the redirect_url link provided in the response, which takes them to their bank’s website to enter their authorization details. Ensure that the redirect URL opens in the same window where the customer selected iDEAL as the payment method. If the authorization is successful, the payment will be approved.

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