Google Pay
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Google Pay
Google Pay offers a streamlined payment experience for Android devices and web platforms

With Google Pay, you can offer customers an effortless payment experience within your app or website, allowing them to use any credit or debit card securely stored in their Google Account.

When customers make purchases within apps or on websites and use Google Pay as the payment method, Google Pay displays a payment interface. Customers can choose their preferred card from the available options and finalize their purchase by confirming the transaction.

Integration setup

To start processing payments via Google Pay, you first need to register your business profile with Google. After completing the required steps, Google will provide you with a unique Google Pay merchant ID, which is essential for production. You will then be able to add the Google Pay button to your checkout page and start requesting your customer’s encrypted payment information.

In order to use Google Pay on the Guide
Enable Google Pay button to give your customers more payment options.
Payment Form
or via Guide
Accept and manage credit card payments from your customers.
integration, you need to register as a business and verify your domain in Google Pay & Wallet Console.

To integrate with Google

  1. Complete your Business profile.
  2. From the navigation menu on the left, select Google Pay API.
  3. Click on Get started.
    After you accept the terms and policy, you can start the integration.
  4. Select the Android app or website integration option.
    These steps continue with an example of a website integration.
  5. Under Integrate your website, click on Add website.
  6. In the integration form:
    • Add the domain that will call the Google Pay API.
    • For the integration type, select Gateway.
      Solidgate is among the PSPs that partnered with Google Pay.
    • Upload screenshots of the buyflow within your website.
      For that, you can use the Solidgate demo Payment Page, which has the Google Pay button. Alternatively, you can contact the Solidgate support team to generate links for that purpose.
  7. Click on Save and submit the application for approval.

Google will review your application and contact you if they need more details. Once they check and verify the provided details, your integration becomes active.

For information about the Google Pay integration process to accept payments in apps and websites, please refer to the following resources:

When you submit a payment data request to the Google API, be sure to include the following parameters:

'gateway': 'solid'
'gatewayMerchantId': '\<Replace with your public api key\>'

    apiVersion: 2,
    apiVersionMinor: 0,
    allowedPaymentMethods: [{
        type: 'CARD',
        parameters: {
            allowedAuthMethods: ['PAN_ONLY', 'CRYPTOGRAM_3DS'],
            allowedCardNetworks: ['AMEX', 'DISCOVER', 'MASTERCARD', 'VISA']
        tokenizationSpecification: {
            type: 'PAYMENT_GATEWAY',
            parameters: {
                'gateway': 'solid',
                'gatewayMerchantId': ''

After integrating Google Pay into your payment system, the next step is to test the integration to confirm it works correctly.

You can test Google Pay transactions using the Solidgate sandbox environment, which allows you to simulate payments with real cards added to a wallet, without deducting any funds. This helps you verify your Google Pay integration for one-time and recurring payments in conditions that mirror the production environment.

Handling integration errors

There might be errors when you submit a request or get a response for a Google Pay payment. If you encounter an error, depending on its nature:

  • Verify if all parameters are added when connecting Google Pay as a payment method.
  • For Guide
    Accept and manage credit card payments from your customers.
    integration, confirm the gatewayMerchantId parameter sent to Google contains the relevant API public key.
  • In case of the Guide
    Processing error. Verify the merchant’s settings and configurations.
    error, verify your Guide
    Learn to authenticate API requests and fix validation errors effectively.
    API keys
    by navigating to HUB > Developers > Channels.

You can test the Google Pay payments when setting up the integration. If the outlined recommendations do not resolve the issue, please contact the Solidgate support team for further assistance. When contacting, share the details of the issue and the steps you have taken to resolve it.

3DS authentication

There are two card authentication methods for Google Pay:

    The possibility to pay in a few clicks or taps without entering payment details or carrying physical cards decreases friction at the checkout and leads to increased sales. These transactions are typically authorized on a PC or laptop using a one-time password (OTP).
    This authentication method is associated with cards stored as Android device tokens. Returned payment data includes a 3D Secure (3DS) cryptogram generated on the device. The token is specific to the device on which it was created.

Solidgate forces all Google Pay transactions using the PAN_ONLY data type to 3D Secure. There is no need to send additional parameters. Applying 3D Secure enables liability shift and minimizes payment risks for PAN_ONLY transactions. The payment processing flow is the following:

  1. The customer clicks on the Google Pay payment button and selects a payment method.
  2. Merchant initiates a payment using one of Solidgate's checkout solutions API or Google Pay API request.
  3. Google Pay securely returns a payment token for that method to the app or website.
  4. Solidgate defaults to the 3D Secure flow and forwards a verify_url embedded with the ACS URL to the merchant.
  5. To proceed with 3D Secure verification procedure, customer is redirected to the issuer`s page verify_url that can be received from the following methods:
  6. After the customer completes the authentication, merchant receives the corresponding status of the payment, and the customer is returned to the payment status page.

It is worth noting that the Google Pay transactions may not have 3D Secure authentication due to specifics of the CRYPTOGRAM_3DS authentication method.

The PAN_ONLY transactions can always be processed via 3D Secure flow where force3d parameter has the true value, while the CRYPTOGRAM_3DS transactions can only be processed via non-3D Secure flow. The latest is limited to Android devices, using the Google Chrome browser, and all other devices and browsers choose the PAN_ONLY authentication method.

This distinction exists because PAN_ONLY transactions involve authorization on a PC or laptop using OTP, while CRYPTOGRAM_3DS transactions tie the token to the specific device where the transaction occurred, ensuring a higher level of security and including a liability shift by default.

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