Prevention alerts
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Prevention alerts
Stay ahead of disputes with proactive alert management and insights

The report provides a comprehensive overview of prevention alert patterns and their impact.

By analyzing the prevention alert data, businesses can proactively address potential issues before they escalate into disputes or chargebacks. This approach enables more effective fraud prevention and dispute resolution strategies.

Prevention alerts API report is an essential tool for merchants, offering detailed information on prevention alerts. It provides insights into each alert, including unique identifiers, alert types, amounts, outcomes, and the alert generation timeline.

Prevention alert data is unloaded using the created_at parameter by default, reflecting the most recent updates to the alerts.

To create a report

  1. Make an prevention alerts API request with date range parameters date_from , date_to by the API endpoint.
  2. Receive the report URL report_url in the response.
  3. Download the report in CSV format using the report_id from the URL and authorization credentials.
It is crucial to use the same Guide
Learn to authenticate API requests and fix validation errors effectively.
authorization credentials
( publicKey + secretKey ) to make the API request for downloading.

Since the report is prepared asynchronously, it may take some time before it is ready for download. If the report is not ready, the API reference returns the corresponding status code:

  • 200 - authentication failure. Double-check your access to the Solidgate API.
  • 204 - report is not yet ready. Wait a little longer for it to be generated.
  • 302 - redirect to a one-time S3 download report link.
  • 404 - report was not found.
  • 410 - report is unavailable, expired.

Please note that the report is only available for 30 days from its generation date. After that period, it is no longer accessible.
To create a prevention alerts report

  1. Go to Reports&Exports.
  2. In the top-right corner, click on +Create report.
  3. In the pop-up window, fill in the required details:
    • Select the Alerts report type
    • Select one or multiple channels
    • Define a date range of up to 36 days
    • Optionally, modify the auto-generated file name
  4. Click on Create.
    Once confirmed, reports are generated for each selected channel.
  5. Click on Download to save and access the report.

  "id": "83b19018-cbc4-4df0-899a-dda84fd2705e",
  "order_id": "923bb4e6-4a5f-41ec-81fb-28eb8a152e55",
  "amount": 200,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "provider_name": "ethoca",
  "alert_date": "2024-11-25 11:01:03",
  "alert_type": "init-refund",
  "outcome": "reversed"

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