Prevention alerts
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Prevention alerts
Leverage prevention services for a safer and thriving business


Prevent and Resolve solutions integrate seamlessly with Solidgate, effectively communicating between issuing banks and merchants.

This enhances the chances of successfully blocking or deflecting fraudulent disputes and reducing costs.

In rare cases, a chargeback may occur after an alert due to delays in issuing or acquiring banks. This can happen if the issuing bank proceeds with a chargeback without waiting for refund confirmation or due to technical issues.

Solidgate actively challenges and disputes such alerts, ensuring merchants are not charged for them on their invoices. This proactive approach is taken to safeguard merchants against unforeseen chargeback fees.

Card prevent alert Webhook and APM prevent alert Webhook are used to detect and resolve potential issues early and before they escalate.

In addition, prevention alerts API report provide a comprehensive view of alert patterns and outcomes, enabling in-depth data analysis and proactive strategies to reduce risk and improve operations.
To create a prevention alerts report

  1. Go to Reports&Exports.
  2. In the top-right corner, click on +Create report.
  3. In the pop-up window, fill in the required details:
    • Select the Alerts report type
    • Select one or multiple channels
    • Define a date range of up to 36 days
    • Optionally, modify the auto-generated file name
  4. Click on Create.
    Once confirmed, reports are generated for each selected channel.
  5. Click on Download to save and access the report.
To view the alert details

  1. Go to Fraud prevention > Alerts list.
  2. Find the needed alert to analyze.
  3. Click on the alert ID to go to the alert details page.
Prevent encompasses Verifi Glossary
A real-time tool for merchants to prevent Visa chargebacks by sharing detailed transaction information with card issuers.
Order Insight
, Glossary
Consumer Clarity is a system that allows the merchant to provide details of the transaction to the issuing bank to prevent unlawful chargebacks.
Consumer Clarity
, and Glossary
Visa rules redefine compelling evidence for disputes, altering data elements and liability criteria.
Compelling Evidence 3.0
. The service gives issuing banks instant transaction insights to reduce friendly fraud and enhances statement details for purchase verification. Compelling Evidence 3.0 also offers evidence for disputed transactions to improve resolution outcomes and prevent escalations.
Resolve includes Glossary
RDR is a program from Visa that allows merchants to automatically process returns to resolve certain disputes.
, Glossary
The CDRN is Verifi’s proprietary solution, this platform is one of several alert networks that intercept chargebacks on your behalf.
, Glossary
Ethoca helps resolve disputes and prevent fraud by promoting communication between merchants and issuers through real-time alerts and information sharing.
and Glossary
Mastercom Collaboration integrates with the Mastercom system to provide merchants with near real-time insights and analytics on dispute activities, empowering them to make informed decisions to mitigate chargeback and fraud risks through strategies like just-in-time shipping.
Mastercom Collaboration
services. Resolve focuses on rapidly resolving disputes with instant refunds to customers. This service offers refunds to customers to minimize chargebacks, fees, and fines, aiming to prevent disputes and ensure compliance.
PayPal alerts are available via the HUB or through the API. PayPal alerts provide real-time notifications to merchants about payment issues, enabling swift action to manage transaction risks effectively. These alerts help you stay on top of critical events such as payment disputes, chargebacks, and fraud.
Understanding alert insights helps you prevent chargebacks more effectively and efficiently. By leveraging detailed insights, you can identify potential risks early, take proactive measures to address them and minimize the chances of disputes escalating into chargebacks.

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