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Changelog in Solidgate refers to a record of changes made to the system, including new features, bug fixes, and other modifications


Payment form

  • Fixed handling of the Guide
    This event indicates that the Solidgate SDK displayed the Solidgate payment form, Google Pay, or an Apple Pay button.
    mounted event
    , which includes our card input iframe.
  • Reviewed and updated Node.js code examples in the Guide
    In addition to using the Solidgate SDK for integrating the payment form into your website, there is an alternative option to work without the SDK.
    Without SDK
    section for clarity and accuracy.
  • Implemented stricter 4-digit Guide
    The CVV field's validation depends on the card brand and can accommodate either 3 or 4 digits.
    validation for AMEX cards to enhance security and data integrity.

Payment page

  • Developed a demo of the Payment Page, allowing you to experience its intuitive design and features, ensuring seamless integration and enhanced customer experience.

Card payments

  • Fixed inconsistency in Guide
    Enables secure real-time chargeback event notifications for merchants, allowing automated system actions or updates based on these events.
    chargeback webhook
    entity for chargebacks in accepted status; it now accurately reflects the dispute process, including the correct chargeback type and status.
  • Descriptor value is now stored in the PSP order during payment processing for better traceability. When sending Guide
    Subscribe for events on your Solidgate account so your integration can automatically trigger actions.
    , this value is retrieved from the associated PSP merchant’s MID.
  • Added Guide
    The customer has blocked transactions via this card for reasons that require clarification.
    error code 3.12
    to the list of stop-declines for cascading processing.


  • The number of retry attempts for calling financial report API endpoints has been limited to improve system performance and avoid unnecessary load.
  • Resolved the issue with pagination in the fraud alert report API . Users can now navigate through the report using the next_page_iterator field, which takes the value from the previous response for seamless browsing.


  • Optimized payment processing for transactions initiated via our Guide
    Understand how to integrate the payment form into your product.
    payment form
    . As a result of these improvements, payments are now processed twice as fast, offering a more efficient and responsive user experience.


  • Enabled sorting functionality to the Subscription → Products view. Users can now sort products by their creation date, with the newest products displayed first, for more streamlined navigation and management.
  • Resolved an issue where Order’s logs were not displaying or functioning as expected. The logs are now fully operational, aiding in improved tracking and debugging.

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